International WASBE Conference Prague (Czech Republic) postponed to 2022!

It is with reluctance, but with all best intentions for the future, that we announce that the WASBE Conference, scheduled for July 2021 in Prague, has been postponed until July 19-23, 2022.

Our reasons for making this difficult decision were based on two overriding concerns:

  • Ensembles considering application to perform face considerable planning challenges, both financially and in regards to preparation, in light of the restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.  It is uncertain, at best, if a representative number of high quality ensembles would be able to participate.
  • Finances and support for endeavors, such as this international music conference, outside of the immediate matters of worldwide health concerns and economic stability are uncertain, even doubtful in the coming months.

An international event, which by its very nature must take into account the safety and security of those in attendance, must also insure that all proper steps have been made to that end.  Those steps are already being addressed with this postponement, as it will allow all organizers, exhibitors and participants the time necessary to prepare for a truly extraordinary event in 2022.

Dates and venues for 2022 have already been secured by the Local Organizing Committee, The Prague Concert Company, our partners for the conference.  Application deadlines for ensemble performance, presentations, and participation in the WASBE Youth Wind Orchestra (WYWO) will all be delayed by one year.  We will continue our planning and preparations for the conference during this time however, to insure that our gathering will be a grand celebration of the world’s musical community coming together again.

James Ripley,

WASBE president


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