WMC Kerkrade starts countdown to 19th edition


The countdown to the World Music Contest in 2022 officially started today – Wednesday 7 July! In exactly one year’s time, the kick-off of the 19th edition of the World Music Contest will take place in Kerkrade, transforming the city for a month into the vibrant epicenter of the world of wind music. Alderman Tim Weijers (Events & Marketing) and chairman Max Kousen started the countdown clock at the WMC office on Niersprinkstraat in the presence of the WMC board, several volunteers and the WMC team.

Next year, the World Music Contest will take place from July 7 to 31, 2022. Initially the WMC was to be organized this summer, but due to the corona crisis the organization, in close consultation with WMC’s partners, decided to move the festival forward one year. The application for the contests for the coming edition of WMC Kerkrade already opened on June 1, 2021.

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